domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

The Cat Piano


Trata-se de um instrumento musical que consiste numa linha de gatos com as caudas fixas debaixo do teclado de um piano de modo que quando uma tecla é pressionada os gatos gritam de dor. Estes gatos seriam organizado de acordo com a sua voz natural.

Este instrumento foi elaorado pelo médico alemão Johann Reil(1759 - 1813) com a finalidade de tratar pacientes que tinham perdido a capacidade de focar a atenção. Reil acreditava que se fossem forçados a ver e ouvir o instrumento recuperariam a sua atenção e por sua vez curados.

The People's Republic Of Animation, um estúdio de animação profissional, lançou uma animação intitulada de The Cat Piano. O trabalho conta a história, narrada por Nick Cave, de uma cidade de gatos cujos músicos(gatos) são rapados em ordem da construção do piano felino.

File:Cat piano 1883.jpg


The Cat Piano is a musical instrument which consists of a line of cats fixed in place with their tails stretched out underneath a keyboard so that cats cry out in pain when a key is pressed. The cats would be arranged according to the natural tone of their voices.

The instrument was described by german physician Johann Christian Reil (1759–1813) for the purpose of treating patients who had lost the ability to focus their attention. Reil believed that if they were forced to see and listen to this instrument, it would inevitably capture their attention and they would be cured.

T he People's Republic Of Animation, a professional animation studio, released an animation titled The Cat Piano. This work narrated by Nick Cave tells the tale of a city of cats whose musicians are kidnapped by a human in order to make a cat piano.


2 comentários:

Ren37 disse...


I was looking for interesting blog to follow and I found yours.
I hope you can visit and follow me back!

Have a great day!


Laura Morrigan disse...

I love this movie, I did a post on it in November, too! What a funny coincidence!

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